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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Challenges and dilemmas: the organizational aspects of social media marketing

Published: May 27, 2020


József Hubert, Corvinus University of Budapest; András Bauer, Corvinus University of Budapest


marketing organization; social media; organizational transformation


The past 10-15 years have seen a surge in the accrued knowledge in the field of digital, social media and mobile marketing. Considerably less effort has been put into understanding the organizational antecedents and consequences of the successful implementation of social media marketing. Current paper aims to narrow the gap in knowledge by reporting the results of an empirical research focusing on the organizational aspects of this transformation. In our research we found three dimensions of how social media effected firm organization. First, it led to the growth of marketing organization both in size and domains covered. Second, this transformation requires changes in skills, competencies and talents in almost all company areas. Third, the effective use of social media requires a change in corporate culture, which best can be driven by top management support. These findings are consistent with our theory review that went beyond the marketing literature, including IT and innovation domains.